Other Geo Data Portals

FAO GeoNetwork
Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL)
Geographical Names
International and administrative boundaries
International Charter "Space and Major Disasters"
United Nations Entry Point to Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
UNOSAT Remote Sensing Data Archive
WHO GeoNetwork
The CIESIN World Data Center This portal, hosted by NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), provides access to a wide of  global data, associated documentation, and visualization and analysis tools, and to the community of experts on global data.

Interactive Mapping Services - Individual African Nations (FAO online maps)

FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System

The Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations and its 190 members highlight information as one of the priority areas in fighting hunger and achieving food security. The FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System is a pioneering information retrieval tool which groups the organization's vast archive of information on its global activities in agriculture and development in a single area and catalogues it exclusively by country.

Regional and South African Online Maps

  • AGIS Comprehensive Atlas: This atlas combines agricultural, orientation & demographic information as well as scanned maps & satellite images including the first SPOT 5 high resolution data of South Africa.
  • ArcHydro-  Sources of GIS data and information in southern Africa - sponsored by the Dept of Water and Forestry of South Africa
  • National Spatial Information Framework (NSIF) - national initiative to co-ordinate the development of infrastructure needed to support the utilization of spatial information in decision making . This building of a "Spatial Data Infrastructure" (abbreviated as SDI) as it is termed in similar endeavors all over the world, includes policies, institutional arrangements, developing human resources and standards for geographic information. 
  • SAHIMS - The Southern African Human-development Information Management Network for Coordinated Humanitarian & Development Action
  • SAHIMS GIS Library - SAHIMS GIS Data server offers easily accessible standardized data provided by various United Nations, non-governmental organizations and government agencies. Datasets in this catalogue are downloadable without any charge. It can be viewed and manipulated by using most popular GIS software. Metadata is attached to help the user have a better understanding of data sources, applications and copyright.
  • Human Development Atlas - The ATLAS consists of ready to use maps, images, and charts provided by SAHIMS Network partners that wish to share their information. It includes: Vulnerability maps, administrative boundaries maps, disaster preparedness planning maps, contingency planning maps, etc. This platform is freely accessible to all humanitarian and disaster information management projects in southern Africa.

Printable Maps