Atlas of Our Changing Environment
Nambia Desert
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The African Atlas

As the age-old adages say, “A picture is worth a thousand words” and “Seeing is believing”, this stunning 400-page “Africa: Atlas of our Changing Environment” is a unique and powerful publication which brings to light stories of environmental change at more than 100 locations spread across every country in Africa. There are more than 300 satellite images, 300 ground photographs and 150 maps, along with informative graphs and charts that give a vivid visual portrayal of Africa and its changing environment.

This Atlas underscores the importance of developing, harnessing and sharing technologies that help provide deeper understanding of the dynamics of the changes. The words and pictures within these pages also serve as a vivid reminder that Africa's environment is a source of livelihoods from many African communities. It contributes significantly to socio-economic development of the continent, and sound policy decisions and positive actions by societies and individuals are needed to sustain the environment and the well-being of its inhabitants. The information provided will not only be useful in the context of the selected locations, but will also underscore the intrinsic value of the harnessing, visualizing and communicating technologies to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and impacts of Africa's changing environment.



Right click (CNTL-Click for Macintosh/UNIX) to download PDFs. PDFs larger than 512kb may take time to open. Download  
Cover PDF (260kb)  
Preface and Forward PDF (1.4mb)  
1 Africa PDF (9.2mb)  
2 Transboundary Environmental Issues PDF (7.3mb)  
3 Tracking Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability PDF (13.2mb)  
3 Section 2 PDF (17.4mb)  
3 Section 3 PDF (20.5mb)  
Index PDF (51k)  
Acronyms PDF (39k)  
Annex I PDF (191k)  
Full File PDF (44mb)  
Maps, Charts, and Graphics Low High
Coastal Population Density JPG (148kb) TIF (13mb)
Africa Political map JPG (256kb) TIF (25.8mb)
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecoystyem JPG (60kb) TIF (2.8mb)
Biomes JPG (256kb) TIF (23.2mb)
Climate JPG (260kb) TIF (23.2mb)
Congo Forest JPG (484kb) TIF (8.4mb)
Dadaab Refugee Camp 1987 JPG (148kb) TIF (6.5mb)
Dadaab Refugee Camp 2000 JPG (192kb) TIF (6.5mb)
Dadaab Locator JPG (24kb) TIF (2mb)
Darfur Locator JPG (24kb) TIF (2.5mb)
Desertification JPG (164kb) TIF (6.6mb)
Forest Change 2000-2005 JPG (92kb) TIF (6.7mb)
Great Limpopo Locator JPG (112kb) TIF (9.1mb)
International River Basins JPG (212kb) TIF (26.1mb)
Kibira-Nyungwe Locator JPG (36kb) TIF (2.4kb)
Lake Chad Basin JPG (48kb) TIF (1.6mb)
Land Elevation JPG (232kb) TIF (25.8mb)
Mara-Serengeti Migration JPG (252kb) TIF (16.2mb)
Mountains JPG (96kb) TIF (8mb)
Namibia Phytoplankton JPG (40kb) TIF (7.2mb)
Nyiragongo Volcano JPG (208kb) TIF (8.2mb)
Okavango Catchments JPG (184kb) TIF (12.5mb)
Population Growth Chart JPG (8kb) PNG (12kb)
Renewable Water JPG (104kb) TIF (6.8mb)
Rift Valley Locator JPG (244kb) TIF (10.4mb)
Serengeti 2005 JPG (148kb) TIF (8.7mb)
Serengeti 2006 JPG (192kb) TIF (8.7kb)
Soil Moisture August 2005 JPG (172kb) TIF (3.7mb)
Soil Moisture August 2006 JPG (216kb) TIF (3.7mb)
South Sudan JPG (48kb) TIF (5.2mb)
Transboundary Protected Areas JPG (232kb) TIF (25.8mb)
Virunga National Park JPG (72kb) TIF (6.8mb)
WAP Complex JPG (72kb) TIF (5.2mb)
Water Stress JPG (96kb) TIF (6.9mb)
Wetlands JPG (352kb) TIF (27.5mb)
Winam Gulf Locator JPG (44kb) TIF (2.9mb)
